
Founder, Author of "Heed Your Calling Manifesto", Host of "Heed Your Calling" Podcast

Hello and welcome to "Heed Your Calling"...my name is Jim Schubert and I'm looking forward to journeying alongside you on this grand adventure!

Having tread along a number of career paths over the past 30 years - through entrepreneurial and corporate transitions - my calling has become clear and simple: To champion men in their mission to discover their sweet spot and live out their Vocational Callings.

Whether you're seeking a total career transformation from employee-to-entrepreneur, or just leveling-up to cultivate, navigate and optimize a thriving work-life experience - Heed Your Calling is here to serve alongside on your exciting new mission:

How Can HYC Serve You?

  • Get Armored-Up & Equipped For Your New Adventure: Personal Optimization & Transformational Cross-Training, Leadership Development, Performance Coaching - 1/1, Small Groups and Leadership / Executive Teams.
  • Create & Implement Your Game Plan For Transforming From Employee-to-Entrepreneur. Define and Design Core Values, Vision, Mission, Purpose, Goals, Strategy and Action Plans.
  • Cultivate A Thriving Work-life Experience To Optimize Your Current Career Path: Define and Design Core Values, Vision, Mission, Purpose, Goals, Strategy and Action Plans.
  • Digital Media, Community & Best Practice Resources: Multi-media Sources for Cross-Training, Teaching, Equipping & Empowering Men In Their Career Transformations.

Learn more about the HYC solutions in Cross-training, Equipping and Coaching. 

Perhaps you haven't quite discovered your path yet, but are experiencing a stirring in your soul and sense a change of seasons in the air? Do you consistently find yourself in an endless loop of dissatisfaction and frustration with your current work-life? Are you experiencing an undefinable restlessness...stuck but convicted at your core there is something else "calling" you? 

Perhaps you're struggling to even clarify what that new path looks like, or even where to begin, then we can help you chart a new destination...to Heed Your Calling.

If that's you, then your time has come to set sail on a new adventure to discover the satisfaction of fully optimizing your God given wiring - your gifts, talents and passions. Ultimately, experience true significance in your life's work. I can help you define a clear vision and mission, and work side-by-side with you to establish an actionable roadmap for your successful transition to a thriving vocational calling experience.

Let's get started today. Call me at 602-617-7439 to start your new journey, God bless.