How To Get Clarity On Your Vocational Calling? – HEED YOUR CALLING

How To Get Clarity On Your Vocational Calling?

Want a quick, non-scientific, 3-second "clarity" checkpoint as to whether or not you're in alignment with you vocational calling? Simply ask yourself this question; Does my daily work-life (most of the time) serve others well, align with who God created me to become, energize me and fulfill my need for satisfying, purposeful work that serves others, or does it frequently drain my soul?

In our most recent HYC Podcast with one of America's leading experts on Creativity, Todd Henry, he shared an interesting definition of "Calling" that I had not come across - Listen To It Here.

And, over the weekend while attending the Pinnacle Forum's 2019 Annual Conference titled "Fulfilling Our Potential for God's Kingdom Calling", I was blessed by hearing from other leading experts on the concept of "Calling", as well as engaging in rich conversations pondering the topic of "Calling" with fellow attendees. I walked away with an even stronger conviction that our "Calling" is indeed as unique as our own fingerprint.

One perspective was reinforced - the danger of "over clarifying" our calling. On one hand, there is the risk of analysis paralysis and getting stuck in the mud, waiting (aka procrastinating) for "more" clarity, verification or confirmation before stepping out. On the other hand, where does Faith play a role? Are we waiting patiently, content not to get too far ahead of ourselves and available to respond in obedience to the Holy Spirit leading us - after all, He is the "Caller"...So then, how much clarity is enough to take the next step...?

Well you've heard the saying that "Action Begets Clarity..." It's true so just start taking action-steps, not leaps and bounds, just simple steps as you are led and then iterate, adjust, recalibrate and overtime you will find your way. You'll be amazed at the difference one step repeated over time can make. It's really no different than anything else done consistently and repeatedly over time can't not produce results or progress in one direction or another... either in alignment with God's calling or the world's deceptions.

Think about it, this universal law and life principal applies to all nature and the human life - your health, relationships, money, sin, gossip, etc. Just make sure you keep a lamp of truth unto your feet as you're stepping-out and on the right path, and not off the cliff...

This experience also further confirmed that the uniqueness of our personal calling - like our individual fingerprint - is one of the primary motivators behind the ongoing search to solve the great mystery of our "Calling". There is no "template" or off-the-shelf "one-size-fits-all" definition, or trendy business model we can apply to our particular calling. I should point out here that Os Guinness, in his book "The Call", reminds us that our primary call is in obedience to the father as Christians - to live as we're called to live according to our new identity in Christ.

One theme that continues repeating and remains consistent in my conversations, is that most men hear the call, but cannot seem to get the clarity they think they need in order to move forward and pursue it. Essentially, over time we feel stuck in the maze, searching and seeking to know for certain what our personal and vocational "Calling" is, once and for all. The challenge (or more appropriately the illusion) however, is that it's a one-and-done discovery of a buried treasure. But, it's not that way gentlemen. 

This is a lifelong journey which requires humility, perseverance, trust, time, energy, effort, forging, curiosity,  suffering, molding, shaping and refining, feedback, trial and error, prayer and meditation, pressing and waiting, right-turns, left-turns and wrong turns. In other words, it's a process gents so don't grow weary or discouraged. Enjoy the exploration of the grand adventure of discovery and if you persevere you will experience your calling zone - where all that you are created to be converges with your vocational service to others. Be encouraged, because once you've experienced it, you will know when you're in it and when you're not. 

The mission of HYC also focuses on what OS also refers to as our "Secondary Calling", and I believe Os is right on the mark here with the distinction. Although this is in alignment with our Primary Calling and identity as Christians, this is all about who we were created to become and living in our giftedness, talents, skills, personality, etc. I agree somewhat with Os in that it's rare to have the blessing of our life's work intersect with our calling because of certain life circumstances that limit our choices...However, perhaps this experience is considered "rare" simply because we just stinking give-up and give-in too easily and settle for less.

The diseases of Mediocrity and Complacency in Christian men are at epidemic levels, and as long as the enemy can keep us "comfortable" or apathetic in our work-life, our effectiveness and influence in Kingdom matters - in all of our leadership roles - is lukewarm at best. Guys, if that's you, it's time to move...

Another aspect of this secondary calling is our "passions", what stirs our souls to take action in unnatural or normal ways - time, effort, perseverance, energy, risk, enjoyment, excellence, and vesting our heart, mind and soul in it. As Todd Henry highlighted in our interview, this "Passion", is defined as something we are willing to suffer for in service to others and the ultimate manifestation of this is Christ crucified. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is for illustration purposes only and in NO WAY implies or compares our "passions" to our Lord Jesus' passion to rescue the human race from eternal separation from God.

Now that narrows it down pretty fast. In the Heed Your Calling MANifesto, we dive into this subject as part of the (A)udit section. This is powerful exercise to start getting getting some clarity as to what you believe your vocational calling is.

So what about you...What are you "passionate" about in the truest sense of this context? Start writing, pouring your heart, mind, experiences out and get feedback to see what may be in our blind spots.  Share it with me, I can't wait to hear what you've discovered!

Or, take it a step further and double-down on the "simple question" approach, and go through the quick Q/A Head and Heart Check "test" on page #9 of your MANifesto. This is another powerful exercise to start getting more clarity as to what you believe your vocational calling is, or confirmation to what it is Not...Note: this checklist goes beyond just your vocational calling but applies to your other leadership roles.

If you or anyone you know is restless and discontent in your career or job and know it's time to make a move towards your "CALLINGPRENEUR" Adventure, let's talk about how you can get clarity, develop a navigation plan and make the transition in 12 months or less. 

Remember, Life Is Short...Don't Waste It...Heed Your Calling!