Know Thyself…Will The Real You PLEASE SHOW UP! – HEED YOUR CALLING

Know Thyself…Will The Real You PLEASE SHOW UP!

This is the first of Multi-part series to introduce and tee-up this 2nd Step (A-Audit) in our 7-Step System for Cracking Your Personal "Calling Code", that takes us on an exciting and revealing journey of self-discovery and revelation. There is a lot of breadth and depth to this core segment of the MANifesto so we are going to be parking it here for a while to help you dig deep.

This process really helped me pull the veil back on our "unconscious" identity which is a deep well filled with our limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits, lurking in my recesses of our soul and essentially become conditioned blind-spots or perhaps more appropriately, Calling Cataracts, since this blindness develops overtime and makes life fuzzy, foggy and out of focus. .

This identity is the wiring for the WHO we are BEING, which produces the WHAT we are Doing…Our behavior, which essentially produces our results over and over and over again.

My reference to the Unconscious Identity is from perspective of being UnAware… "I didn't know what I didn't know" about what was blinding me from living more fully aligned with my Calling as it relates to specifically to my Calling Leadership Identities – as a God seeking man, husband, dad, servant leader & entrepreneurial breadwinner.

This is where the true transformation needs to take place – rewiring the identity of who you really are, according to who our creator uniquely created you to be, according to the Calling on your life. NOT the identity you have been re-mastered by 1000 competing influences over time to become the man you are today. Frankly I believe this is a scheme of the enemy.

Your Assignment This Week – is to Go Hard into the AUDIT section and till the fields to determine what’s been planted and  ARE YOU BEING THE MAN GOD CREATED AND CALLED YOU TO BECOME? Be courageous, be transparent and honest with yourself as you embark on this part of your journey. This is where some heavy lifting will be done, but it's necessary in order to transform you into the man God has called you to become.

If you haven't already downloaded the HYC MANifesto, Click Here

Remember Gentlemen, Life and Your Calling Are Gifts...Steward Them Wisely!

God bless